Nobody's perfect.
We all have habits we know we should change. It could be too much caffeine, not fully listening to or interrupting others, or smoking cigarettes.
We know that changing these habits could greatly improve our lives. But most of the time, change never happens.
So what do we do?
As it turns out, the most effective way to ditch bad habits is to actually replace it with a better, positive habit. That may sound simple – and intellectually, it is.
It requires constant effort, but after a while, the new, positive actions begin happening without you thinking about them. (That's what habits are, thing we do without thinking about).
There are habits that benefit us, and there are habits that DON'T benefit us. And the most successful people hack their own brain and train themselves to have consistent habits that benefit them.
That's the difference between “normal” people and “successful” people.
We know that our outlook on life affects our attitude, which affects the actions we take, which affects our results, which affects the state of our life.
Successful people work on themselves from the inside out.
So do yourself a favor: follow these tips to reestablish positive habits so you can reach your goals:
1. Show up consistently.
According to Woody Allen, 80 percent of success is showing up. That’s a philosophy I subscribe to wholeheartedly — but I would add two words: 80 percent of success is showing up every day.
Showing up consistently is where the magic happens.
2. Cultivate a positive outlook.
According to positive psychologists, a habit of gratitude is one of the most common traits in consistently happier people.
See the glass as overflowing.
3. Be committed for the long haul.
Think of farmers: they know they have to wait a full season to reap their harvests.
In our post-industrial world, where so much of everyday life is accessible through the click of a mouse, it’s easier than ever to forget that.
4. Cultivate a burning desire backed by faith, not hoping or wishing, but knowing.
A burning desire backed by faith simply means deeply, passionately wanting to get somewhere and knowing — not hoping, not wishing, but knowing — you’re going to get there.
In other words, there has to be congruence between your desire and your faith.
5. Be willing to pay the price.
It may be something as simple as giving up a type of junk food you’re attached to, for the sake of your health, or something as subtle as giving up your right to be right, or your habit of exerting control over conversations for the sake of a relationship.
6. Do the things you’ve committed to doing, even when no one else is watching.
I have found the best way to erase a bad habit is to replace it with a positive mental or physical habit.
So, the next time you find yourself wanting to partake in that same bad habit remember you can change your negative habit into a positive one and the result will be a happier life for you and those around you.
You can learn more at Entrepreneur.
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