Here is some advice from 7 savvy marketers on what they feel the best marketing advice is right now:
Jim Daliankis, Actor and Stand up comedian:
Get a web and online video presence
The best marketing advice I ever received was that I should get a professional website and post my clips on YouTube, then combine the two. This advice came from another professional comedian who showed me how successful he was and that was enough proof for me. Ever since I did that, I've had inquiries from all over the world, have been getting a lot more high-paying corporate work and have traveled extensively. It's also helped get my film project (which has a distribution deal) more exposure in order to receive the financing.
Chellie Campbell, Author of Wealthy Spirit, and Zero to Zillionaire:
Attract the right people, and repel the wrong
“You want to attract the people you want – and repel the people you don't want.” Now this was a revelation to me, because I had been raised to be a “good girl” and nice and acceptable to everyone. I even took sales trainings that taught you how you had to behave differently in order to reach different people. This is great for getting along with people in your personal life, but bad for marketing – if you try to appeal to everyone you'll be so bland and boring that you'll actually turn off everyone! This one phrase gave me the courage to relax and be myself and let my wild and crazy side show, wear gold tennis shoes, joke, and tell the truth about money as I saw it. My brand really took off after that!
Amy Jo Lauber, Lauber Financial Planning:
Know your audience
I found that most of my clients have been in therapy, are spiritual, and do yoga; all proactive steps in self-care. Hiring me (a financial planner) is a similar step in self-care. Now my mesage (“I help people find peace with money”) attracts those people who are proactive, desire peace, and have hired people before to help them.
Clayton Cohn, Marketaction, Inc.:
Serving your clients right is the best marketing
The best marketing advice I have ever received, and I define “best” by mygross margin, was from a family friend who started a brokerage firm in the late '90s and took it public when he was 31 years old. I was 13 at the
time, but I never forgot. He said that it wasn't a matter of advertising and spending money, it was a matter of customer service. Do right by your clients, and you'll never have to spend a dime. Word will spread. I have done just that – we don't actively market ourselves at all. Most of our services are free, and we receive business by word of mouth. And in today's age of exponential information availability, you only need one
happy customer to ignite the powder keg of virility.David E. Saucedo II, The Saucedo Co.:
Treat your marketing campaigns like you are approaching a woman for the first time.
Treat your marketing campaigns like you are approaching a woman for the first time. If you approach them and tell them that you're the best and no one else has what you have, they'll probably ignore you. Boom – you've lost your opportunity. Rather, get to know your client and build a relationship. You have a better chance of taking the relationship to the next level. The advice came from Morris Pittle from Two Ton Creative in El Paso, Texas. We are a 96 year old family business and we applied this advice to our marketing and refrained from touting our years in the industry, but rather use our experience as a tool for everyone to use, via our informational videos and free advice. It's paid terrific dividends.
William Eisenbrandt, Vertical Business Group:
Understand the age of transformation.
The best marketing advice I ever received was during a training session with Greg Habstritt, founder of SimpleWealth. While most marketing programs talk about solving the problems of your customers, or discovering the pain your customers are feeling and fix it, Greg took us down a different path. While solving a customer’s problem is important, it is hard to be successful marketing from that position. Instead, Greg explained that we are in the Age of Transformation. Consumers are no longer purchasing products and services. They are purchasing the transformation that those products and services provide. Think about a gym membership. Are you paying a monthly fee for the use of the equipment? Or are you paying a monthly fee so that you can lose weight and get in shape? For most of us, it’s about the transformation – getting in shape, not the product.
Sally Palaian, Licensed Psychologist:
Business cards, and clever gifts.
“Don't go anywhere without your business cards.” I've adhered to this 95% of the time and it's amazing how often my business cards have come in handy when meeting new people. Me and my business cards give the best marketing return. Similarly, I'm using for my new free iPhone/Android app-Love Builder- cookies in the shape of my app icon, and an attached business card. It's not a viral type success, but these have been a great hit when I'm at networking events – makes me very memorable – and everyone squeals with happiness when they realize how ‘creative' I am!
So if you are marketing your product or service off or online it is easy to see how all of this advice could benefit your business.
What is your go to piece of advice for marketing your product or service?
Article Source: Bradford Hines
Image Source: Michael Kappel on Flickr
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