When you just don’t have the capital you need to get your latest venture off the ground, it’s time to put a plan of action into place. Starting at the beginning of summer is a perfect time to raise capital. The summertime is when people begin to feel carefree and adventurous. If you can invoke those very feelings in your potential investors, you will have no trouble stuffing your coffers with adequate green. Here is how it’s done.
Use All Means Possible
Use these tips to raise capital with as many fund raising opportunities as you can think of to maximize your gains. Get a business plan together and make an appointment with a loan officer at your local bank or Credit Union, get on Kickstarter, Indiegogo and other crowdsourcing platforms, and ask friends and family to donate to your cause.
If you are serious about raising capital, you won’t negate any means to your end. Once you’ve identified all the platforms and options you plan to pursue, start making your audience feel carefree.
How to Invoke the Carefree Feeling in Investors
The best way to make your investors relax is to convince them that they will indeed obtain a return on their investment. Loan offers will want to recoup their money in the form of interest, but other types of investors may want other benefits, not just money. Kickstarter and Indiegogo investors may want a working prototype of your new creation, a mention in your new book or they may want you to autograph your latest product as a prize for helping you raise the capital you need.
One of the best tips to raise capital as it pertains to making investors relax is to use photos, images, videos and text to get your points across. Show investors with media and words that their lives will be better if only they would donate to your cause. Again, this doesn’t have to be money related. As long as your target audience is interested in what you’re offering, you should be able to come up with some rewards that will make donating ‘big’ worth their while.
How to Go For Adventurous
If you want to invoke a sense of adventure in potential investors with deep pockets, you might want to use photos, images and videos depicting unknown places. This could be a behind-the-scenes look at your product’s manufacturing plant, or it could be an image of you holding your latest prototype standing in front of the Grand Canyon. Of course, you can use much more than pictures and video to make people feel adventurous.
You can also invoke the adventurous side of your capital investors by using storytelling in your writing. You can tell a story of how your latest idea came to be, for example. You can also tell stories that help your target investors see how much their lives will improve by giving to your cause. While you may not do this so much within the pages of your business plan, where investors merely want more money back on top of their original investment, friends and family and even crowdsourcers may like a story about how their lives will be better by donating.
You may help your investors picture themselves opening their mailboxes and receiving a copy of your autographed cookbook, for instance. Or maybe even provide incentives to partner up and create their own fund raising opportunities with your business down the line. Really make the scene come alive for them and you will succeed at making them feel adventurous. Doing so during the summer months could translate into more success for your capital raising efforts.
Social Media is the Key to Raising Capital
Once you have piqued your investors’ interests with these tips to raise capital, stay in touch with all of them through the use of social media. Talk to them on Facebook to keep them in the loop. Tweet photos of your production or distribution lines; or post a photo of your new book cover on Pinterest. Raising capital for your latest venture is now far easier with social media, you just have to use it if you hope for it to be effective.
So now you have several tips to raise capital that will help potential and actual investors feel carefree and adventurous, and all just in time for summer. Now you just have to keep those feelings going with all of your social media accounts. If you get started now, you just might manage to raise all the capital you need by the time the temperature begins to fall.
Image Source: Rob Boudon on Flickr
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