The “rags to riches story” is nothing new. Not by a long shot. It’s as old as the American Dream. In the 19th century, as the Industrial Revolution hit its peak, aspiring entrepreneurs devoured pulp novels by Horatio Alger about just that kind of thing: The poor young man who through verve, moral fortitude, and […]
This ‘Boring’ B2B Brand is Killing It On Social Media. Here’s What They’re Doing.
When you think of “social media marketing” — especially when it comes to certain platforms, like Instagram and Snapchat — You probably think of brands and industries that are, you know, fun. Fashion, beauty, travel, fitness, that sort of thing. Primarily B2C products, things you’d associate with leisure and lifestyle. But social media isn’t just […]
Never Start a Marketing Campaign Without Doing These 3 Things First
What if I told you that there’s a chance that you’re approaching content marketing the wrong way? It’s really common. And at the root of the problem lie assumptions. You know what they say about assumptions. When you assume “common knowledge” without testing its veracity, you could very well be missing the mark by a […]
Here’s What Smart Entrepreneurs Can Learn from The Kardashians
Unless you live under a rock, you probably know who the Kardashians are. It’s like there’s no escaping them. Even if you don’t follow celebrity news or pop culture at all, and you have zero interest in any of that, you still know their names. Kim Kardashian and her relatives are the epitome of “famous […]
Boost Creativity AND Productivity With This Unexpected Strategy
People tend to think of creativity and productivity as a dichotomy. They conceptualize them as things that are opposed to one another, always butting heads, and hard to balance. But it doesn’t need to be that way. Being productive doesn’t mean forgoing any semblance of creativity. And at the same time, being creative doesn’t mean […]