You could probably argue that word of mouth is the best kind of marketing there is. It’s a person recommending your brand not because there’s something in it for them, but simply because your product is actually, genuinely good. As you can imagine, people trust a recommendation from a friend or a neighbor a lot […]
3 Awesome Tools That Help Make Better Facebook Ads
Last year, in 2016, Facebook cut organic reach for business pages — And that wasn’t the first time they’ve done that. At this point, it’s very much a pay-to-play platform. The upside to this is that as an advertising platform, Facebook is pretty great. With robust audience targeting options, you can reach even very specific […]
Coca-Cola’s Been Killing It on Instagram. Here’s What Smart Marketers Can Learn From Them
Instagram’s quickly become one of the top social media platforms, and it’s kind of a unique medium unto itself. It’s unapologetically visually oriented. The kind of place where a picture really is worth thousands of words. To use it for marketing, you need to get creative. Instagram is a very recreational kind of platform. It’s […]
Demystifying Facebook Business Manager: How to Make the Most of These Helpful Marketing Tools
A lot of marketers — even people who are otherwise experts on Facebook advertising — find Facebook Business Manager kind of confusing. Intimidating, even. If you’re not familiar with it, it comes across as a sea of information overload. You know those studies about how too much choice can actually turn consumers off? It’s that […]
Drive More Conversions From This Often-Overlooked Place
There are a lot of places where businesses can make a sale. Maybe some people come directly to your online store for a particular product. Other sales happen because someone saw your Facebook ad, or you came up in a Google search, or someone heard a good word from a trusted friend. But this is […]