When you’re churning out large amounts of content — whether you’re on your own, or outsourcing some or all of your content creation — things get kind of cluttered and disorganized pretty fast. Writing true “10x content” takes time, and it has quite a few steps that lead to something that’s fit for publication. Many […]
What NOT to Do on Social Media: 3 Epic Fails to Avoid
Sometimes, major corporations mess up on social media. Automated @replies can end up saying something that’s wildly inappropriate in the context of what the recipient actually said. Embarrassing typos can happen, too. Or, someone can accidentally jump on a trending hashtag without knowing what it is or what it’s for. This can lead a company […]
This Entrepreneur Finally Beat Burnout for Good. Here’s How He Did It
Owning a business can burn you out in a really big way. At first, it’s fine. Crunch times happen. You’re passionate about your business, so you trudge through those tedious 60-hour workweeks like a champ. But over time, it starts to wear on you. You dread going back to work. You feel like the rest […]
This Publishing Powerhouse Helps Bloggers Reach a Whole New Audience
Founded in late 2012, this online publishing platform has gained a lot of traction since its introduction. A lot of people use this platform as either their primary blog — you can set up a custom domain name with it — or they syndicate some of their content on the site. Ever heard of Medium? […]
4 Email Marketing Mistakes That Waste Tons of Money
Email is a prime linchpin for modern digital marketing campaigns. It’s so effective, and there’s such a wide body of evidence that demonstrates that efficacy, that you’re clearly leaving a lot of money on the table if you’re not investing in email marketing for your business. But there’s a lot of strategy involved, meaning there are a […]