If you’re old enough to remember AOL Instant Messenger, you might remember Smarterchild. It was one of a number of early chatbots, designed so you could have a conversation with it as if it were a person. Chatbots have come a long way since then. As machine learning and AI technology have continued to grow […]
Stop Letting Fear Block the Door to Opportunity. Here’s What to Do
Is fear standing between you and success? It happens a lot. And sometimes, it manifests in some pretty unexpected ways. You might not even realize you’re afraid of something until suddenly, you’re faced with it. With the recent rise of video as an essential part of content marketing, a lot of marketers have realized they’re […]
The New Marketing Trend That Everyone’s Talking About
Content marketing is huge right now, and it’s common for brands to partner up with publications that reach their own target audience. Recently, a financial services company called UBS took a bold new approach to this. Partnering with two big publications that reach a massive audience of wealthy millennial women, they created an entire editorial […]
Create Amazing Videos in 6 Simple Steps
Repurposing your best blog posts into video form is a great way to get more mileage from your high performing content. Video can seem daunting at first glance. Isn’t that expensive, and doesn’t it require specialized skill sets? Actually, no. You can make professional looking videos cheaply or even for free, with little more than […]
Try These 2 Simple Social Media Tactics That Skyrocket Engagement
Everyone’s talking about influencer marketing these days. But how well does it really work? Recently, the team at Hubspot designed and ran an experiment, designed to test an innovative influencer-based strategy. Using Facebook and Instagram, they started connecting with top influencers. Then, they implemented a comment contest, weaving gamification into their strategy. The idea behind […]