Video content keeps getting more and more important for businesses. But it’s not just the medium that really matters — it’s also the message. Brand storytelling is one of the best ways to approach modern marketing. Narratives resonate with people, and if you can tell a great story, you’ll stand out. Videos are one way […]
This Genius Strategy Can Help a Local Business Blow Up Overnight
When your business is brand new, it can be hard to get your name out there. No one knows who you are, and even if you’ve managed to get some followers on social media, it can still feel like an uphill battle. What if you could “growth hack” your way into widespread local brand awareness? […]
4 Easy Mistakes Businesses Make on the ‘About Us’ Page That Turn Off Potential Customers
Just about every website has an “About” page. Writing them is actually harder than it might seem at first glance. What exactly are you supposed to say? How long should it be? It’s easy to neglect your About Us page. It’s really not a key “money page” on the majority of websites, and although it […]
2 Powerful Business Tips from History’s Greatest Entrepreneur
Among history’s greatest entrepreneurs and businessmen, no one stands out quite like Henry Ford. He’s an American icon, the very archetype of what it means to be an entrepreneur. Ford has been an inspiration for business people everywhere since the 20th century. Today, his strategies are seen as a model for innovation, disruption, and how […]
What Customers REALLY Want from Brands on Social Media
Sometimes, brands are consistently funny and on point on social media. Wendy’s comes to mind as a great example. It’s tempting to try to emulate that kind of thing. After all, it gets a lot of attention when Wendy’s posts a clever meme or makes a quip on Twitter. There’s a certain particular kind of “snarky […]