Many retailers are predicting that the millennial generation will play a huge role this holiday season. That means tapping into the millennial market with mobile email marketing should be the goal. Purchases through mobile devices are expected to account for over 16% of $61.8 billion dollars in ecommerce for this holiday season alone.
It’s Not Always Better to be Bigger
A lot of businesses have made drastic changes to survive and succeed during this recession. The ones that are still around today took action to save their businesses by downsizing and cutting costs. The companies and business owners that took a while to make any changes either survived or folded.
Ask Yourself 4 Body Questions to Be More Productive
You freelance work can easily be affected by how you take care of yourself. After a while poor health will start to affect your productivity, which can directly affect your income.
Business Tips to Lead Your Employees and Customers Somewhere Positive
We all know that everything changes, it’s just a part of life. For business owners it is imperative to refresh your companies goals with your employees even when the changes don’t seem positive. Keep things positive for your employees and customers alike by practicing the following:
Turn Social-Media Fans Into Loyal, Raving Customers in 4 Steps
Positive responses to social media campaigns are always great to see. Being able to use the feedback to create an effective sales channel can prove to be tricky. Danny Maloney, co-founder of Tailwind, has stated that focusing on strategizing can one-time customers and casual fans into “influential advocates” and repeat clients for any size business.