Everyone has a different opinion of what a blog should be and how it should be done. Being able to perfect the qualities that set you apart and combine them with an artistic view to create unique and useful information, is an integral part of the process. Because there are so many different types of individuals reading your blog you never know 100% which direction will be the most effective.
Create a Winning Mobile Content-Marketing Strategy with 7 Key Ingredients
Mobile and tablet devices are quickly becoming the strongest drivers of traffic on the web. Over half of Americans own smartphones and about a third own tablet devices and use them for almost everything, from checking emails, to shopping and comparing prices online. This makes it imperative that your content-marketing strategy covers these trends.
Help Your Business Succeed by Learning From 6 Business Failures
Lots of mistakes are made in business that will continue to be made everyday.
Below is a glimpse at 6 business failures you can learn from over the last decade:
Launch a Business in 54 Hours
Startup Weekends attracts more then 100,000 people worldwide. The target is to launch new businesses by organizing a hands on experience for marketers, product managers, designers, developers and other motivated individuals.
Freelance Programming Jobs
If you know the difference between CSS and JavaScript and you’re tired of working for someone else for a living, you might have a promising future in freelance programming. Do a quick search for computer programming jobs and you’ll find pages and pages of viable results. Are you suited for one or more of those jobs?