Monday night Facebook launched their mobile payments product with payment processors PayPal, Stripe and Braintree. For this pilot Facebook has decided to partner with JackThreads apparel site and phot-book provider Mosaic.
Beauty & Health Network Marketing
If you are passionate about your health and you like to help other people, and you have ambition to really make something of yourself (possibly even going so far as to discover financial freedom), you might have a future in the beauty and health network marketing world.
Franchise Business Owners Rules & Regulations
Buying a successful franchise is a dream for any Entrepreneur. Not only will you be the owner a successful business but you will have to follow the rules and regulations of one as well.
Below is the short list of what rules and regulations you will have to follow regardless of how successful your business may be:
Video Marketing: 5 Tips for Success
When promoting your business or selling a product you should take video marketing into consideration. Videos not only grab peoples attention but they get the message through much faster then reading a full webpage of content. Video marketing is very different them content marketing simply because you have to set the proper tone and relay the right message to be successful.
Make Money as a Writer with These 6 Tips
A lot of people enjoy writing but never use it in their line of work. In fact, some of the best writers are making a living doing things that have nothing to do with writing at all.
Do you have a hidden talent for writing that you never use?