Almost every money earning niche you can think of has been saturated by bloggers. So how are you supposed to stand out to become successful in your niche? Check out this helpful article that explains how to put together a long form blog and then let us know how you intend to sharpen your blog writing skills to contend with other long form bloggers this year?
4 Goal Types That Are Critical When Using Google Analytics
It is important to track things like leads, trial signups, account creation, newsletter signups, white paper downloads and eBook downloads to increase sales and create better goals. Currently Google Analytics provides 4 ways to track your goals through URL’s, time, pages/visists and events. Do any of you out there have any experience to share about using goals to track the progression of your business?
How to Use Your Facebook Profile and Fan Pages
By figuring out how to monetize Facebook, you can easily make a first or even just additional sales. With the newer types of Fan Pages Facebook has to offer, you now have two ways to promote with them online, through your personal profile and these fan pages. The only difference is what you need to do with both types of pages and why. I put an important paragraph in bold for easy review and I am wondering, what do you feel is the best way to tackle this step?
Increase Ecommerce Sales by Using These 10 Best Comparison Shopping Engines
CSE’s or comparison shopping engines, allow merchants to go head to head in order to increase sales by attracting new customers. They do this by collecting product descriptions and prices from participating retailers to show all the results on one page for a quick comparison to save the buyer time and money. If you are a retailer that has competitive prices I am sure you can easily see how this would benefit your business. Other retailers want to know, what would be your main concern when using this type of CSE, or comparison shopping engine?
Why Technology Startups Are the Hottest Trend
Technology startups are constantly making the headlines of major news sources and it’s no wonder why. These technology startups are changing life as we know it and the trend shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Case in point: Facebook recently purchased virtual reality headset Oculus Rift for $2 Billion. Did you find the information about Facebook in this article interesting? Also, what has been your experience with the last part of the article regarding friends? The feedback is greatly appreciated by our new members.