With Facebook recently acquiring messaging service WhatsApp for a record $19 Billion, many people are clamoring to become a crucial member of the next tech startup to make waves. If you are a tech wiz, if you have the business sense of a Gates, Jobs of Dell, or if you consider yourself gifted in the ways of both technology and business, you’re in luck. Jump on over to our blog and read about some very realistic avenues you can pursue to get involved in technology start-ups just like you’ve always dreamed of doing.
Write Great Blog Headlines With This Scientific Guide
A lot of people ask how to write the best, attention grabbing headlines. The truth is the best titles and ways to execute them will vary for every niche. So testing them yourself is always the best bet. Right now the 7 strongest words to use when creating titles or choosing words to include in your blog are: Smart, Surprising, Science, History, Hacks, Hacking, Hackers, Huge, Big and Critical. So try some of these words when you are testing and see how they preform. How do you conduct your research to go about selecting titles or words to use in them?
32 Small Business Email Templates That are Responsive
50% of emails are now being opened on tablets and mobile phones. This shows an urgent need for every website owner to re-design their email marketing campaigns to be compatible with every mobile and tablet device available. We’ve listed 32 email templates that are compatible with all of the most popular email services. Check out our blog and let us know which one is your favorite?
Strategies for Smart Affiliate Marketing
Running a productive affiliate marketing campaign for your products or services is one of the smartest business moves you can make. One of the best parts about an affiliate marketing campaign is that it doesn’t require too much of your time to be successful. Do you have any rules of your own that you always abide by when running an affiliate marketing campaign?
How to Enjoy Crowd Funding
The phenomenon known as crowd funding is still going strong. Many people have seen their ideas come to life using popular sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Yet for every successfully crowd funded project, there are a dozen or more projects that never get the funding they need and thus the final products never get to see the light of day. To increase your odds of succeeding at crowd funding, you must make the process fun and enjoyable. Check out our blog for various ways to enjoy crowd funding the next time you have a great idea that you want to make a reality.