Organizing your business is very important, especially very early on, if you hope to avoid future problems. Businesses are typically easy to organize in the beginning when there is little activity or cash flow. It is not until the business begins to grow, succeed and scale upwards that many business owners find themselves in trouble. Whether your business is new or newly rejuvenated, check out our blog for some tips that will help you keep your affairs in order in new and innovative ways.
Get a Positive Prospect Out of a Negative One
Calming an upset prospect can not only earn you a life long client but several referrals as well. Not only that but the social networking connections are worth every bit of energy it took to win that prospect over. It always pays to turn the tables to shed a positive light on both your advice as well as your prospects ideas. What is your favorite trick to reel in a negative prospect?
Every Freelancer Should Ask These 6 Legal Questions
Once you start earning an actual income by freelancing you need to make sure you know the legalities to protect yourself. Once you are able to answer these questions you should feel a little more protected and aware of what you and your business are actually liable for.
How to Use Article and News Sites to Strengthen Your Blog
If your blog is lagging, stagnant or you merely want to bolster your success, you only have to look to the most popular article and news sites available on the web. Article sites like Ezine, Ehow and ArticlesBase offer advice, tips and informative news to individuals all over the world. News sites like The New […]
Save Your Business Money with These 3 Tax Strategies
Earlier I posted 10 tax tips for home business owners and now here is a little follow up that goes further into detail about how to organize and classify your business tax write offs. Hop on over to Job Crusher, check it out and save money filing taxes for 2013.