Filing for taxes for your home business is a little more difficult then filing your own personal tax. On one hand, an employer provides a nice little W2 and on the other, you may be able to cut more taxes for your home business. As a business owner you should always consult a CPA to make sure you are not stepping outside the rules, which will save you money in the long run. Do you have any tax tips to offer?
6 Business Credit Steps to Take
Building up business credit is a little more complicated than personal credit. You just need to take a few additional steps that you normally don’t have to do for a personal line of credit. Do you have any suggestions for first time business owners on how they can help build up their business credit?
How to Create a New Retail Business Presence Online
A recent Forbes article stated that new retail business ventures that incorporate a mixture of online and offline processes will fare better than businesses that only use one or the other. In case you hadn’t realized it yet, the world has gone digital and ecommerce is quickly catching up to brick & mortar sales as the public’s preferred method of obtaining the most desired goods and services…
How to Strengthen Your Social Media Efforts by Writing a Business Blog
By now every business owner is starting to realize how important social media actually is. The hard part is trying to figure out how to properly use it. Do you currently run a business blog and how has it changed your marketing results?
10 Retailer Tips on Internet Marketing
Every new business plans for a grand opening and has an advertisement budget to get the word out. In this day and age Internet marketing and advertising is just as important as marketing off line, even if you don’t sell anything online. What is your favorite way to use the Internet to promote your retail business?