Network marketing is one of the most important aspects of achieving business success. Back before the Internet became as commonplace as cars and the microwave oven, you would have to travel out-of-state and, in some cases, out of country if you hoped to meet the true dignitaries in your field…
What Every Business Owner Should Know About Taxes
How much and how you pay your taxes are based off the type of business you own. Do you have any tax tips to offer business owners to save them time and money this tax season?
What to Charge as a Freelance Designer
With a strong portfolio and positive feedback you can start to charge decent rates for your freelance design work. How do you decide what you charge for your time spent on a custom design?
How to Boost Your Business by Using Video Marketing
It doesn’t matter if your business is large or small, you really need to incorporate a video marketing campaign. It is one of the easiest and most direct ways to get attention. Studies have proven that consumers feel more comfortable buying online when a product or service is accompanied by a video. What type of videos do you like to create to promote your business products and or services?
Freelance Programming
Programming jobs are becoming increasingly popular as more individuals, small-to-midsize businesses and major corporations are finally coming to realize that having an online presence is paramount to success in today’s digital age. As a programmer, you may find yourself wealthy in talent and poor in actual money and connections. If that’s the case, it’s time to take the future into your hands by being proactive about finding work.