One of the most important lessons when becoming an entrepreneur is to learn from every single success and mistake. Not only will you learn what not to do again but you will learn better way to keep mistakes from happening in the future. Are you big enough to share what you have learned from your mistakes to try and keep others from repeating it?
How Your Business Should React to Facebook Marketing Declines
A lot of people have finally started using Facebook to promote their business. If you are one of these individuals are you worried about the recent algorithm change causing marketing declines on Facebook? Well it could be both good and bad. Now Facebook is showing its users content based off of their recent posts and interactions. Now all you have to do is learn how to use this to your advantage. Are you already on to these changes and already have a plan in place to take advantage of them?
Creating Your Own Work From Home Business 101
Feeling overwhelmed or outside of your comfort zone when creating your own work from home business is totally natural and part of the adventure. You can finally put all of your motivation and time into you very own business, creating your own hours and guidelines. The key to success is being dedicated enough to put in all of the hard work that it takes to own and run your own business.
Understanding Crowd Funding and How to Make it Work
Before the advent of the phenomenon we now know as crowd funding, business owners used to have to beg bank lenders and Angel investors if they hoped to get the funding they needed; provided that they didn’t get the funding they needed from friends and family. These days and thanks to a better worldwide understanding of crowd funding, business owners everywhere have a better and oftentimes more lucrative means of getting the funding they desperately need.
Watch Out for These 10 New Tax Traps in 2014
There will not be many tax surprises this year due to to laws like the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 that keeps the laws the same as well as previous extensions and policies. Even without surprises their are still a few traps that you will need to watch out for this year. Are you ready for tax season?