Looking back over 2013 is a good way to build a better business plan for 2014. You can learn from your strengths and weaknesses and decide on a clear path to either recreate or avoid what you have done in the past. Just make sure you continue to improve your content marketing campaigns as this is one trend we will see continue, year after year. What other trends do you feel we will not only see in 2014 but will make it or break it form some businesses?
2014 Top Five Global eCommerce Predictions
Forrester Research, Inc. says that as more brands become international we will continue to see a growing trend in eCommerce, creating new opportunities. There is not better time than now to get started on reaching out to consumers world wide. Have you taken your business services or products international yet? What is stopping you?
Hot 2014 StartUps
Every year investors and tech insiders look to Silicon Valley, Cupertino and other areas of innovation in order to identify the hottest startups that are sure to make waves in the coming year. If you have money to invest, if you want to model your own company after a new hot startup or even if you’re just curious and you want to watch the latest shining stars rise through the ranks from obscurity to center stage, click through to read about the newest 2014 startups to watch this year.
10 Useful Statistics for Social Networking in 2014
Even though Facebook struggles with attracting the younger demographic it still reins king for social networking. Recent statistics have shown that 73% of American adults are using social networks to communicate. Facebook alone holds 71% of that statistic coming in right under 1.2 billion users. Do you have any theories on which social networks might break out this year and why?
Look for Theese 5 E-Commerce Trends in 2014
For aspiring business owners, becoming a successful e-commerce entrepreneur is fairly easy due to all the new sales platforms and web design tools. It still takes dedication for any sales person to succeed even though almost anyone can launch an online business. Do you have your own opinion about what will be trending for the eCommerce of physical products this year?