New Year’s Eve is so close, you can almost taste the champagne; but hold the bubbly until you put the following franchise tips into action. Owning a franchise is incredibly rewarding and since someone has already gone to the trouble of laying the groundwork, the hard part is over. With the right franchise and enough determination behind it, you could become a successful franchise owner in 2014. What kind of franchise are you seriously thinking about buying in 2014?
2014 Stats and Tips for Email Marketing
This blog includes 35 stats and tips for email marketing that should be focused on in an advanced email marketing campaign. If you are just starting off then check out our other blogs on this topic and master email marketing for your business. Do you feel your current campaign could be improved? Why or why not?
Sales Optimization & Copywriting Updates for 2014
If you want to make more money online in 2014, you must learn the art of copywriting. Keeping up with copywriting updates as they occur from year to year will help you speak to your audience more effectively, and there’s no comparison to the amount you can sell when your sales optimization and copywriting are on point. Are all of your marketing efforts and campaigns all updated for 2014? If not check out some business plans and strategies to get started now!
How to Start Prepping Your Business Accounting & Taxes for 2014
It is always good to start planning for tax season by the end of the year. Not only do you want to make sure that your taxes are in order but you will want to make sure that everything is set to be out in the next month or so for your employees as well. Are your taxes already for your CPA? Check out some of our tax and accounting tips that you can apply to prepare in advance for 2014.
Build SEO-Friendly Email Campaigns
It can be very frustrating for any recipient to open up a “custom” email from a business of a product or service that is used with broken links or that just doesn’t make sense. Not only that but it ends up being a huge waste of time and money for the business that built the campaign in the first place. This also directly affects the traffic that these emailed links should be providing which in turn affects your marketing efforts. Do you already have a strong email marketing campaign all planed out and put into place for 2014? If you don’t come check out our blog and build one today!