In case you are too busy to drop everything and pour all of your time into an idea that you might want to invent it is important to know what steps to take. This way you can save time, continue to work your regular job and figure out how to turn that crazy idea into a million dollar invention. Check out our blog and then let us know, if you have any advice to offer a new inventor on any steps you feel should be taken that weren’t cover?
Quickly Close End of Year Sales with These 12 Tips
Do you have a plan of attack for end of year sales or are you the 80% of people who are already counting this year as done? If so share some tips with us or get over to our blog and close some end of year sales yourself!
How Do I Build a Career in Programming?
When trying to get your foot in the door to build a career in programming you can take one of two paths. One, Educational, where you get a collage degree or take up Internships for experience. Or two, recreational, where you have done programming in the past for fun but now are thinking of turning it into a career. What type of experience do you feel is the best to get when trying to create a career out of programming?
How to Connect With People by Creating YouTube Videos
If you are not currently taking advantage of YouTube videos in your online marketing campaign, you might want to reconsider. By providing a short, attention grabbing video with a clear and easy call to action you can easily drive more organic traffic. How long do you feel is a good time frame for an informative introductory video?
2013/2014 Top IT Skills in Demand
There are currently hundreds to thousands of jobs available online for skilled IT individuals. While programming languages still remains one of the most important IT skills to date, mobile development is quickly moving to the top of the list. What other tops skills do you feel are in demand now and will continue to be in 2014?