It’s true that assumptions can drastically hurt business and in some cases, ruin it for good. Unfortunately, many online companies don’t succeed because business owners are blind to what could happen. Being blind leads to damaging effects that are hard to come back from. As an entrepreneur, it’s natural to devote time and energy to […]
8 Winning Ways to Strategically Target Millennials
Every generation is different, but millennials require using various strategies to market to them effectively. They are intelligent enough to know when brands are trying to sell them something, and many have built up a resistance to advertising. Ironically the vital elements that make it challenging to win over millennials are the same strategies brands […]
9 Weird Freelance Jobs We Didn’t Know Existed
From the incredibly cool to outright crazy, there are a lot of jobs online that many have never heard of. Our free webinar training discusses how to make money online successfully, and we thought we’d expand on that by outlining some of the craziest online jobs! There are many brave souls out there who aren’t […]
Why This Business Strategy is the Next Big Opportunity in Social Media Marketing
According to recent research, approximately 80 percent of customers are more likely to continue doing business with a brand that offers a more personalized experience. Incorporating this strategy also applies to social media because today’s audience desires to interact with brands on a more personal level. So how do we go about implementing personalization in […]
6 Powerful Content Marketing Lessons From Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Who are we kidding — online marketing is one of the first things we think about when it comes to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. We all know that the latest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie has become a fan favorite and that’s because we all love and have a favorite Ninja Turtle. The film (and […]