The difference between a new company and a very successful business takes a lot of hard work, a little bit of luck, timing, and vision. Many successful corporations such as Starbucks and even Amazon were at one point a startup, but they followed their dreams and look at where they are now! As an entrepreneur […]
Implement These 8 Office-Organizing Tips to Stay Productive and Sane
Some business owners don’t have time to organize their office, but sometimes disorganization can come back and haunt them. Moving piles of stuff and rearranging things doesn’t count because sometimes that can lead to bigger messes. Clearing off a desk or trying to get rid of the mess by shoving it into a desk drawer […]
5 Social Media Trends to Stay Current on in 2019 and Beyond
2018 is coming to a close, and it’s time to look to the future. Knowing about current and future trends will keep a business competitive and encourage a brand to interact more with their audience. Just like any trends, this is just a guess. No one can see into the future and know for sure […]
How to Write Powerful Headlines That No One Can Ignore
In a noisy world, it’s sometimes impossible to get people to read a headline or even well-written content. It takes a lot more than just excellent content or fabulous website design. The essential part of an article is its headline. The same principles apply to website copy, blog posts, and similar writing. The title is […]
5 Solutions to Maximize the Value and Earning Potential of Email Marketing
The more value customers receive in email campaigns, the more likely they’ll visit a website and also look forward to receiving follow up emails, whether they’re sent daily, weekly, or monthly. When they look forward to receiving emails, they’ll be more likely to take the actions a company wants them to take. Staying consistent with […]