When most people think of freelancing, they think of writers, graphic designers, accountants and photographers. Yet you don’t have to be skilled at any of those traditional disciplines to bring value to the table as a freelance professional. There are some pretty good ideas in the last section of this blog regarding online freelance jobs. What other types of freelance jobs can you find online?
Office Tasks You Can Turn Into Micro Jobs
When you find yourself working in an office with so much on your plate that you don’t even have room for dessert, it’s time to create some micro jobs that will make your life just a tad bit easier. Micro jobs are tasks that you just can’t see yourself doing on a daily basis without losing your mind. You know the ones. What would your top 10 list be of office tasks you would love to turn into a micro job?
Virtual Assistant Job Hunting Tips
With unemployment figures steadily improving from rock-bottom conditions, now is the time to look for a virtual assistant job. There are two primary reasons why looking for a position now rather than later makes sense. First of all, more people are hiring these days than they have been in recent years. Click through to our blog to check out some great tips for virtual assistant job hunters.
Write a Killer Press Release With These 6 Essential Steps
Don’t forget to do #5 as thoroughly as possible. Press releases are still very effective if written and executed properly. They also can hold more weight and look more like authority content than any other type of marketing content out there. How do you like to grab peoples attention with a press release?
Outsource Thse 8 Business Chores to Keep From Feeling Overwhelmed
When your company starts to grow or grows rapidly you may find yourself still trying to keep on budget and handling everything yourself. This is not just unrealistic but could also be detrimental to the further growth and expansion of your business. The cost of an assistant may actually be less than the time you are taking from your own ability to bring in more business. Are you still doing any of your own administrative tasks yourself? Why?