Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to make money online and is a great alternative to investing your own money into a product or service. By becoming an affiliate you can network with as many people as you like with both companies and individuals. So if you are good at promoting and marketing other peoples goods and services then check out the 5 trends that will continue to dominate the affiliate market in 2014 on our Job Crusher blog.
Affiliate Marketing
2014 Affiliate Marketing Trends
Affiliates are left wondering what the New Year will hold, what with all the turmoil that occurred in the industry last year. First there was the closing of the Google Affiliate Network and then there was the aptly named Cookiegate, which came about when Mozilla announced that Firefox would block certain cookies.
10 Affiliate Marketing Strategies to Effectively Maximize Your Holiday Traffic and Commissions
If you are an affiliate marketer during the holidays, the opportunities are endless of products and services to plug to increase your commissions. What actions have you taken that you are willing to share that will ensure success this holiday season?
Become a Successful Affiliate in 6 Steps
Most merchants use affiliate marketing to build awareness about their products and services at very low cost. Getting into this commission-based referral system is a great way to supplement or replace your income all together.
Increase Conversions with 4 Affiliate Marketing Strategies
One of the things we continue to see in affiliate marketing, is that customers are sometimes more loyal to affiliates then to your actual brand. While this may be upsetting to some, it is easy to see how you can take advantage of this aspect to maintain a successful affiliate program.