Creativity isn’t just for poets and painters. Even highly analytical and quantitative undertakings, like running a methodologically sound physics experiment or using marketing data to optimize conversions, require some degree of what you might call “creativity.” The thing with creativity, in any domain, is that it’s not linear. As humans, we like clean, clear linear […]
Making Money Online
Keep Customers Hooked With These 2 Simple Psychological Principles
Marketing is all about psychology. To really make a connection with someone, to bring your brand into their consciousness and make sure it stays there, it helps to understand what makes them tick. Marketers have been leveraging basic psychological principles and tendencies for decades, and in the digital age, a psychologically informed approach can still […]
Hot Leads Mean More Sales: Facebook Remarketing Made Easy
Facebook ads are incredibly versatile. With tons of targeting options and possible campaign goals — not to mention a genuinely massive userbase — it’s one of the most powerful advertising platforms in existence. There are quite a few types of ad campaigns you can set up on Facebook, and one of them is what’s known […]
This Simple Strategy Helps Entrepreneurs Make Better Decisions Every Day
Every day, we make decisions. In fact, we make a lot of small decisions on a daily basis. Should I have oatmeal or Cheerios for breakfast? Should I wear a red tie or a green tie? Should I order Chinese for lunch or Indian food? But among all these small and rather inconsequential decisions, we also […]
Avoid This Common Mindset Mistake That Can Set a Business Up for Failure
Sometimes, something really takes off in popular culture and internet culture, in a really massive way. From the ice bucket challenge, to Harambe the gorilla, to today’s fidget spinner fad, trends come and go all the time. The internet moves even more quickly than traditional media did before it. A fad can rise up and […]