If lagging information product sales have you feeling a little low, turn that frown upside down and start doing something about it. How do you go about understanding your product information to increase sales?
Making Money Online
12 Tips on How to Write Killer Email-Marketing Copy That Converts
You need to put a lot of thought into your email marketing campaigns in order to succeed. Those of you who are successful with email marketing; What tips can you share, that I may have left out, to get every one writing killer email copy?
Making Affiliates Out of Bloggers
Once you build up a strong relationship with your affiliates it should begin to run like a well oiled money making machine. If you were approached to become an affiliate what kind of incentive would you prefer? We all would like to know.
How to Exceed Customer Expectations by Building Brand Loyalty
A great way to build up your subscription list is to offer a first time buyers incentive or a discount upon signing up for the monthly newsletter. Which offers do you see online that actually work on drawing you in for a purchase?
Let Critical Thinking Turn You Into A Content-Generating Leader
How content is created and shared will continue to change year after year so always make sure you are paying attention to that ever changing trend. Do you keep up with the trends for your business to make sure you are delivering a powerful blog?