E-publishing platforms and services are constantly changing year after year. With new formats, terms and services continuing to evolve it is easy to become overwhelmed when attempting to self publish your work.
Making Money Online
Guerilla Marketing
Guerilla marketing is the unique way of throwing all conventional marketing techniques out the window for an approach that is more emotionally driven and easier to do on a budget. Put more simply, guerilla marketing is an out-of-the-box way of reaching out and snagging the attention of your target market. To give an example of […]
Drive Traffic by Following These 11 Tips for Social Sharing
After working hard and investing on a killer website for your products and services, social media is the next step. One of the most effective ways to drive traffic is by properly managing social media campaigns. Other marketing tactics are important as well but not always as effective, or free.
5 Ways to Increase Clicks with Ecommerce Title Tags
There is more value to title tags then SEO and marketing alone. Now title tags are being used by businesses to share deals and offers, reinforcing savings with their brand.
Contextual Advertising
Contextual advertising as it pertains to online marketing is an ingenious way to target an individual based on the content that person happens to be viewing. So, for example, if the person is visiting a fishing website, a contextual ad on the side margin of the page they’re on might advertise the latest fishing pole on the market. By understanding contextual advertising and how the ads can be targeted for every individual who views them, you can improve your conversions and your returns.