Mobile internet use overtook desktop browsing a couple of years ago. Today, there’s no doubt about it: Mobile devices are a lot of people’s primary means of accessing the internet. In the future, we may end up seeing more integration between what we currently think of as “mobile” and what we associate with “desktop.” But […]
Making Money Online
This Massive Health & Wellness Niche Is Ripe for the Taking
It’s one of the most common health conditions in the entire developed world. Tons of people have it, and the older you get, the more likely you are to acquire it. And even though it’s usually considered benign, it can and does kill. It’s hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. You might even have […]
Use This Tactic to Build Trust and Get More Word of Mouth Sales
You could probably argue that word of mouth is the best kind of marketing there is. It’s a person recommending your brand not because there’s something in it for them, but simply because your product is actually, genuinely good. As you can imagine, people trust a recommendation from a friend or a neighbor a lot […]
3 Awesome Tools That Help Make Better Facebook Ads
Last year, in 2016, Facebook cut organic reach for business pages — And that wasn’t the first time they’ve done that. At this point, it’s very much a pay-to-play platform. The upside to this is that as an advertising platform, Facebook is pretty great. With robust audience targeting options, you can reach even very specific […]
Coca-Cola’s Been Killing It on Instagram. Here’s What Smart Marketers Can Learn From Them
Instagram’s quickly become one of the top social media platforms, and it’s kind of a unique medium unto itself. It’s unapologetically visually oriented. The kind of place where a picture really is worth thousands of words. To use it for marketing, you need to get creative. Instagram is a very recreational kind of platform. It’s […]