Looking for a niche with serious potential? This type of problem is a huge health issue in the developed world. Nearly one third of American adults suffer from this. I’m talking about high blood pressure, or hypertension. It tends to be combined with other issues like obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. If untreated, […]
Making Money Online
5 Kinds of Powerful Social Proof That Earn Audience Trust
People trust other people — specifically, those who they perceive either as their peers, or as an authority on a particular topic. From their best friend to their favorite Instagram influencer, there are select individuals that a person trusts when it comes to things like product recommendations. Word of mouth is a powerful thing indeed. […]
How to Use Color Psychology to Boost Ecommerce Conversions
As far as animals go, humans have great color vision. And psychologically, the colors of things have a profound effect on how we experience and conceptualize them. Color psychology, the study of how our minds relate to color, is fertile ground for smart marketers looking to get an edge in the marketplace. The right color […]
This Clever Content Strategy Gets Audiences Talking
When you create content, you want people to read it and share it. This usually means you’re shooting for two key things: shares on social media, and backlinks from other websites. Not only can backlinks drive traffic in and of themselves, but they’re also essential for SEO. If you want to come up in organic […]
How to Start Dominating a Competitive Market
Heavy competition tends to scare off smaller players, like affiliate marketing solopreneurs. But the thing with competition is that if it exists, it means there’s money in that particular niche. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many people vying for dominance. Yet it also makes it hard to break in if you’re new and your budget […]