When making money online becomes the order of the day, you should be doing all you can to get as much love from the world’s major search engines as humanly possible. Sure, it’s possible to make money online without the help of the search engines like Google and Bing, but you will make far more money if you are ranked prominently within those engines.
Search Engine Optimization
Penguin 2.1 Has Been Unleashed by Google
Can you share some advice on how to deal with the newest Google Update, Penguin 2.1?
On October 4th, 2013 Matt Cutts made the following announcement:
After Google’s “Not Provided” Decision Here Are 12 Ways to Measure Content Effectiveness
Google has made measuring content effectiveness even more difficult for content marketers.
A few years ago Google said:
Copy & Paste Now In Google AdWords Interface
The newest update on the Google AdWords Interface is the Copy and Paste feature. Google has finally made it easier to restructure old campaigns as well as create new ones by copying and pasting in keywords, ads, ad groups and entire campaigns.
5 Ways to Increase Clicks with Ecommerce Title Tags
There is more value to title tags then SEO and marketing alone. Now title tags are being used by businesses to share deals and offers, reinforcing savings with their brand.