Having an image get a detailed message across at just a glance is one great way to market your business, products or services. Even Twitter is adding images as they are re-tweeted up to 150%. What are some of your favorite tools to create your own images?
Social Media
How to Strengthen Your Social Media Efforts by Writing a Business Blog
By now every business owner is starting to realize how important social media actually is. The hard part is trying to figure out how to properly use it. Do you currently run a business blog and how has it changed your marketing results?
10 Ways to Promote Your Business by Using Social Media
Maybe you’ve been dabbling in social media to promote your business but do you have a social media campaign all mapped out? You need to stay consistent by posting fresh, new content as well as engage with your “friends” on a regular basis. What are some of your favorite ways to engage in social media all while promoting your business?
Facebook Marketing in 2014
Facebook has easily retained its title as the leader in social networking. With a billion active users, a recent major overhaul and plenty of advancements planned for the coming year, not even the likes of Twitter, Pinterest or Google+ could knock the Zuckerberg juggernaut from its lofty perch. This means that, as a brand, small business or marketing manager; if you’re not on Facebook, you need to be.
Understand and Manage Your Social Media Profiles Better with these 8 Apps
Trying to find or make time to log into all of your social media accounts on an every day basis is a pretty hard target to meet. Finding this time on top of your daily duties of running a business is just not as easy as it should be. Do you feel there are any other apps out already that should have made this list? Why?