Anyone who owns a business and has any type of budget should make a little room for video marketing through paid search advertising. This is one of the most effective ways to advertise, again, if you have the budget. By dropping a link to your videos in your highly targeted paid ads, you can easily create more traffic and increase sales. Check out our recent post to see what the best paid ads for video marketing truly are.
Video Marketing
Make Your Video Marketing Amazing with These 10 Tools
With the video marketing trend for mobile, email and online advertising it is important to master video creation. It is an easy way to get personal with your clients and potential customers. The trick is making sure your videos keep drawing them back and that they are not driving anyone away. What is your favorite tool you turn to when creating your own amazing videos?
Facebook Promises New Video Ads Won’t Be Spammy
Facebook is promising ads that are more like targeted TV commercials that will not be spam. Now this sounds like a tall order but if anyone can do it, it’s Facebook. This targeted form of video marketing may just be the future of advertising on mobile. Facebook has been priding itself on a more custom approach to marketing on their social networking platform. Do you think Premium Video Ads are the future of video marketing on mobile?
7 Savvy Marketers Give Their Best Marketing Advice
So if you are marketing your product or service off or online it is easy to see how all of the advice from our last blog could benefit your business. It comes from 7 savvy marketers and talks about what they feel the best marketing advice is right now. What is your go to piece of advice for marketing your product or service?
Understand How to Use Different Video Marketing Websites
When most people think of video marketing, they automatically think of YouTube; the world’s largest and most viewed and used video sharing site. Yet there are many other video sharing sites on the scene, such as Vimeo, Vine, Instagram Video and a few others. Instead of spending hours or even days studying the various video marketing sites online, it’s far better to develop a core set of steps that will help you navigate all the sties you happen to come across. Check out our blog for an example of the steps you can follow to use video marketing sites to their maximum advantage.