Ever since the internet went mainstream in the ’90s, people have been finding new ways to use this technology to start businesses and make money. There are a lot of ways to make money online, and over time, strategies have changed. Most people would agree that monetizing a blog through ad revenue alone is a lot harder […]
Video Marketing
These 2 Big Brands Are Killing It With Live Video. Here’s What We Can Learn From Them
Years ago, streaming video started taking the place of TV broadcasts. No longer at the mercy of someone else’s broadcast schedule, we were free to watch just about anything we wanted on demand. But lately, live video’s been making a comeback. Today, it takes place over Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook, and small businesses and bored […]
This Vital Mindset Shift Paves the Way to Business Success
Are you a mathematically minded kind of person? If not, you could be overlooking a lot of really important information that could impact your business. Growing up, math was always a love-it-or-hate-it thing. Some people take well to numerical information, and it’s something they learn pretty quickly. Some of them even perceive a kind of […]
Get Confident on Camera in Just 5 Easy Steps
Most people who aren’t used to being on TV can get kind of camera shy. With video quickly becoming one of the most important online media for marketers, brands can’t afford to sit this one out… But if you’re a sole proprietor, or you have a small team, being in front of a video camera […]
Out of Ideas? Try These 5 Creative Ideas for Fresh Video Content
It’s hard to come up with fresh new content ideas, especially in certain niches and industries. Once you’ve exhausted your best ideas, most relevant keywords, and frequently asked customer questions… You may start feeling a little pressed for ideas. If you’re not using video content yet, why not start? Video is just as important as […]