Making video content could be exactly what your brand needs right now. If you’re already using content marketing, you’ve written your fair share of blog posts and social media posts. You might even create infographics or produce a podcast. And then, there’s video. It’s a great way to reach beyond your existing audience, bringing in […]
Video Marketing
Live Video Made Simple: How to Engage Facebook Fans with a Great Live Stream
Live video is huge right now, and audiences love it. Maybe in an age of on-demand video streaming, there’s actually a surprising amount of newfound novelty in the new online equivalent of live TV coverage. Brands in a ton of different industries have been hopping on the livestreaming trend, with great success. If you haven’t […]
3 Awesome Tools for Making Video Content That Audiences Love
These days, videos are practically a must-have for content marketers. That can seem kind of intimidating. Writing blog posts can be expensive and time consuming, but it’s pretty accessible. But video seems daunting — it involves a set of skills like camerawork and editing that you might not have, and you probably think of it […]
Stop Letting Fear Block the Door to Opportunity. Here’s What to Do
Is fear standing between you and success? It happens a lot. And sometimes, it manifests in some pretty unexpected ways. You might not even realize you’re afraid of something until suddenly, you’re faced with it. With the recent rise of video as an essential part of content marketing, a lot of marketers have realized they’re […]
Create Amazing Videos in 6 Simple Steps
Repurposing your best blog posts into video form is a great way to get more mileage from your high performing content. Video can seem daunting at first glance. Isn’t that expensive, and doesn’t it require specialized skill sets? Actually, no. You can make professional looking videos cheaply or even for free, with little more than […]