Nicolas Kusmich was a pastor. He’s a small-town kind of guy. Like most clergymen, he was making a modest salary of about $30,000 a year. That was before he got into Facebook ads. Today, he’s a successful consultant that manages over $9 million of total ad spend for big-name companies. He’s a masterful Facebook marketer. […]
Social Media
The Fastest Way to Start Making a Profit with Affiliate Marketing
It takes time to get a brand new niche site up and running. Creating content, building an audience, and establishing a strong sense of brand identity are crucial, and they don’t happen overnight. You could spend months working on your site before seeing a return on your investment. But what if you didn’t have to […]
Here’s the Secret To Making Content Marketing ROIs Skyrocket
People don’t just buy things suddenly, out of thin air. First, they need to have a problem that needs solving, and they need to be fully aware of that problem. Then, they need to figure out what kind of solution would work best for them. It’s at that point that they start looking at specific […]
This Massive Facebook Marketing Mistake Makes Sales Numbers Plummet
Having trouble gaining traction on Facebook? It might be because of the kind of content you’re posting. People go on Facebook to connect with friends, family, co-workers, and sometimes, brands. What they don’t go there for is a sales pitch. Today’s consumers are turned off by blatantly sales-oriented content, which they perceive as being spam. They don’t […]
2 Brand New Ways to Win More Customers on Instagram
In its ongoing battle against its competitor Snapchat, Instagram’s been introducing tons of new features lately. For marketers, the means new opportunities to reach potential customers. Two that stand out are extended stories and shoppable posts. Instagram introduced Instagram Stories to compete with Snapchat’s similar features. Ever since then they’ve been one of the most […]