The word community is a beautiful word. It is from a Latin word meaning “things shared by many or all,” this beautiful word perfectly explains our need to connect with others. One of the Internet’s amazing strengths is its ability to have people connect in a community online. Whether it’s by commenting on a blog, […]
Starting A Business
5 Steps to Get More (and Better) 5 Star Online Reviews
When a customer purchases an item on a site, there are a lot of factors that go into it. When I decide whether I’d like to make a purchase or not I typically ask friends for recommendations and then do further research online. When a new online business starts gaining new customers, it’s an exciting […]
The Senseless Mistakes Business Owners Make When They Begin to Make a Profit
It’s every online business owner’s dream: to make it — to not only make a profit online but have a wildly successful business and a lot of money to boot. But just because an online store makes a lot of money doesn’t mean everything is going to run smoothly. For many companies, this is where […]
7 Tips to Boost Productivity and Get Things DONE
Don’t we all wish there were more hours in a day? We all seem to blink and before we know it another week has flown by. No, we can’t control time, but we can make goals to be productive. Starting an online business depends on productivity because without it not much will get done! There […]
5 Secrets to Staying Happy While Building a Profitable Business
One of the most exciting parts of having an online business is getting to do work someone loves. Business owners can resolve issues that come up because their company matters to them and they also have people who care about them and like to help them come up with a solution. While building a new […]