Who’s your target audience? Chances are, the answer to that question is broad enough that there isn’t necessarily one single answer to that question. Let’s say you sell nootropics (health supplements designed to boost cognitive performance). Some of your potential customers are just now finding out that nootropics are a thing that exists. Others are […]
Starting A Business
These 7 Simple Questions Are the Key to Building A Brand Customers Love
You know a Nike ad when you see it. Same with Coca-Cola or Apple. This is because they have a consistent visual brand. It’s a combination of visual elements — logos, layouts, color schemes, themes and motifs — that come together into a gestalt that consumers recognize instantly as a sign of that particular brand. You […]
5 Simple Steps for Old-School Brands To Start Getting Sales From Digital Marketing
Over the last twenty years or so, marketing has changed dramatically. As the internet has gone from a new, slightly geeky niche thing, to an ubiquitous source of news and media, marketing and advertising have followed suit. Today, “marketing” is practically synonymous with “digital marketing.” Everyone’s online, and digital strategies offer targeting potential you just […]
Here’s The Key to Getting Noticed in a Crowded Niche
Crowded niches are crowded for a reason: there’s a lot of money to be made there. Folk wisdom is usually to choose a small niche that no one else is focusing on. But you might not want to shy away from those big, massive evergreen niches. Believe it or not, with the right marketing strategy, […]
Keep Customers Hooked With This Content Format That Never Goes Out of Style
Content is a must-have for just about any business, and there are some time tested content types that work every time. One of the best focuses on educating your audience. It’s how-to content, and audiences love it. Everyone has questions about how to do something, and your brand can deliver exactly the answers they’re looking […]