If you’re running a local business, especially a service business, one of your key goals is to get more calls from new and returning customers. And these days, the majority of your traffic is probably coming through mobile. When people need to call a plumber, order a pizza, or otherwise patronize a brick and mortar […]
Starting A Business
Keep Them Coming Back: How to Build Brand Loyalty in a Social Media Following
Every business needs one thing: customers. So naturally, this is a matter of concern for solopreneurs. Sometimes, “customers” are people who buy something that you’re selling them directly. If you’re running an ecommerce shop or offering info products, you want to entice people to buy from you. In other cases, it’s not quite so straightforward. […]
5 Weird Marketing Tactics That Work Like a Charm
In the world of marketing, we’ve all got our bread-and-butter staples. They’re strategies and tactics that are tried and true, reliable standbys that are always a solid bet. Sure, the particular staples we use can change a lot over time. Fifty years ago, ads in magazines and newspapers were a must-have. Today, a lot of […]
Use This Tactic to Build Trust and Get More Word of Mouth Sales
You could probably argue that word of mouth is the best kind of marketing there is. It’s a person recommending your brand not because there’s something in it for them, but simply because your product is actually, genuinely good. As you can imagine, people trust a recommendation from a friend or a neighbor a lot […]
Drive More Conversions From This Often-Overlooked Place
There are a lot of places where businesses can make a sale. Maybe some people come directly to your online store for a particular product. Other sales happen because someone saw your Facebook ad, or you came up in a Google search, or someone heard a good word from a trusted friend. But this is […]