As the Millennials we always hear so much about are getting into their 30s, the next generation is coming up behind them: Generation Z. Today’s high school kids and college students are basically Gen Z, or at least on the cusp between the two generations. And as is usually the case, they’re not identical with […]
Starting A Business
Hit Peak Productivity With These 3 Simple Scheduling Tweaks
Even if you work from home full-time, and you’re not juggling a side hustle with a 9-5 day job, being productive can be surprisingly challenging. People have good days and bad days. Some days, you just don’t have it in you. And that problem gets worse as your business grows. Your workload grows with it, […]
Here’s Why So Many Content Marketing Campaigns Fail
If you want to succeed at content marketing, you have to start with quality content. It’s the solid foundation you need before you execute your campaign. If your content’s no good, you won’t get anywhere. But there’s another side to the equation, and that’s promotion. That’s the hard part, really. Creating truly great videos, blog […]
Running an Affiliate Niche Site? Read This Before Hiring a Freelance Contractor
When your affiliate site takes off, and you start making some real money, you’ll run into a problem: you can’t do every single thing yourself. Not anymore. As your business grows, you’ll start to realize that you’ve got way too much on your plate. This goes double if you have a day job, too. At this point, […]
This Simple Problem is the Single Biggest Reason Businesses Fail
Most small businesses fail. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. There are multiple reasons for this, one of which is that they’re not always founded by someone with expertise in running a business. You could call that the E-myth effect. But there’s another huge reason why businesses fail, and it’s common with startups and online businesses. […]