Sometimes, something really takes off in popular culture and internet culture, in a really massive way. From the ice bucket challenge, to Harambe the gorilla, to today’s fidget spinner fad, trends come and go all the time. The internet moves even more quickly than traditional media did before it. A fad can rise up and […]
Starting A Business
The Science of Brand Loyalty: How to Use Neurochemistry to Win Over Customers
In today’s world, branding and marketing are all about building relationships with your customers. Your brand means something to them psychologically. You’re more than just a product or a service. You’re something they relate to. As you can probably imagine, there are essential psychological principles and tendencies at play here. Specifically, emotional response plays a role. Within […]
This Common Habit Stands In The Way of Success. Here’s How to Kick It To the Curb.
It’s never wise to jump right into something without doing some research first. But how much is too much? Entrepreneurs can easily get trapped by “analysis paralysis.” That’s when you spend so much time researching, and doubting an idea, and second-guessing yourself, that you don’t get anything done. A lot of the time, the timing […]
This Massive Niche Market Is Worth $1 Trillion — And It’s Ripe for the Taking
Yes, you actually did read that headline right. There’s a rising niche right now that really is worth over one trillion dollars. Not billion, trillion. “Baby boomers” are called that for a reason. They were born during a time when people were having a lot of kids. As a result, they’re a very large generation of […]
Want to Win the Marketing Game? Start Thinking Like a Millionaire
Sometimes, getting a reward means taking risks. This is especially true in the world of entrepreneurship. As it turns out, successful business owners — the kind of people with millions of dollars from successful ventures — think differently than most people do, in a pretty big way. It’s a matter of mindset. Chances are, you’re […]