We all start with the same amount of time in a day. Every single day. So then why are some people ridiculously successful, and others aren’t? You could point to luck, sure. But I’m not a big believer in luck. It’s been my experience that the most successful people also work the hardest. They’re simply […]
Starting A Business
18 Staggering Statistics and Trends Every Marketer Needs to See (Pun Intended)
Sometimes, seeing is believing. Magic can happen in the blink of an eye. Keep reading, I’m sure we’ll see eye to eye. You may be sensing a theme here. Well, in 2016, the importance of visual content was emphasized even more as we noticed changes on most major social networks, including Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and […]
3 Impressive Tools That Harness the Power of Data to Grow Leads and Sales
New tools and technology can be scary. Especially for new marketers or those who shy away from diving into website data. But measuring that data can be the difference-maker you’ve been looking for. It’s been proven that marketers who bring data to the forefront get significantly better results than those who don’t. Focusing on data […]
3 Things Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak
We’ve all heard the saying, “there’s no sense in recreating the wheel.” In other words, it’s smart to learn from successful people. I’d say that Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak fits that description, so maybe we should listen to him. Recently, Woz spoke at NextCon in Arizona, and unsurprisingly, he had some pretty insightful things to say. […]
A Millionaire’s 3 Step Morning Routine for High Performance [Video]
What if you could find a way to attain peak levels of productivity and get more done each day? That would probably have a big impact on your life. This video takes you inside the life of the CEO of a multi-million dollar company and shows you exactly what he does every morning to achieve high […]