We’ve all experienced anxiety and stress. In fact, these are biological responses, historically designed to protect us as a species. Imagine one of your ancestors coming face to face with a saber-toothed tiger. Now that’s something to stress over. Real, physiological changes occur in the body. Muscles tense, heartbeat increases, hairs stand on end. It’s […]
Starting A Business
How to Spread Your Ideas and Make a Massive Impact
Today, people have too many choices, and too little time. So how do you get people’s attention? How do you get your ideas to spread? How do you make a massive impact? And how do you get people to buy? I’ll tell you one thing: it’s not by being ordinary. This brilliant TED Talk by Seth […]
Instantly Increase Creativity By Eliminating These 2 Things Most People Do Every Single Day
Creativity is contagious (said Albert Einstein). It’s what sets you apart. It’s a way to show that you’re unique. Whether you’ve already got a massively successful business or if you’re just starting out, creativity can be the fuel that drives you. But sometimes you lose that spark. Sometimes you feel drained. That’s when it’s time […]
You Won’t Believe the “Crazy Things” These Startup Founders Did to get Success
would you have the GUTS to do these things? Now that is determination bordering on crazy…and crazy smart. We have heard of stories of eating ramen noodles and knocking on doors to make a first sale. And of course there are the more far out stories that have made their way around the internet. Stories […]
Top 15 “Rules” of Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur
this list is SO GOOD you won’t want to share it. Seriously this is solid advice. If an entrepreneur follows proper advice and takes action, there is nothing that can stop them. However, there is a lot of noise out there. You may come across a lot of cliche lists and articles that are rarara […]