Among the many decisions that you are required to make as a new business owner, one of the biggest is the choice whether or not to incorporate. Incorporating your business isn’t completely necessary, but it is fitting in certain situations. Most business owners start out as a sole proprietorship or partnership and that suits their needs just fine; but business incorporation can still be an option somewhere down the line.
Starting A Business
Watch Out for These 10 New Tax Traps in 2014
There will not be many tax surprises this year due to to laws like the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 that keeps the laws the same as well as previous extensions and policies. Even without surprises their are still a few traps that you will need to watch out for this year. Are you ready for tax season?
When it Comes to Naming Your Business, Avoid These 3 Common Mistakes
There are a lot of people who don’t stick with their original business name due to various reasons. Some might be too wordy or not catchy, which fails to grab peoples attention. The goal when naming your business is to find the perfect balance between being attention grabbing and providing enough but not too much information. After reading this article, do you feel you have received some decent insight on what mistakes not to make when selecting a name for your business?
Are You Forming Your Business in 2014
While everyone was picking out their new year’s resolutions, you decided that forming your own businesses suited you best. Now it’s time to put your money where your mouth is; as well as your time, energy and 100% undying focus. Only you can decide if entrepreneurship is truly for you or if this is just another fad that you won’t feel so strongly about a few weeks from now. If you want to know how to form your own business, click through and check out our Job Crusher blog.
How to Take Control of Your Business Credit in 2014
Credit experts advise that you control your business credit if you hope to experience growth in the coming months. Once you have built up your business credit, vendors and customers will feel more comfortable doing business with you. Lenders will deepen their pockets and investors and shareholders will enthusiastically jump on board.