The most unusual aspect about the tax industry is how minimal their seasons are compared to almost every other industry. In just a few months, paid tax preparers generated almost 8 billion in annual revenue by processing 23% of 82 million returns filed just last year. Will you or your company be using a paid tax preparer this year or using some type of software?
Starting A Business
How to Develop Your Small Business Marketing Plan for 2014
Taking the time at the end of every year to create a marketing outline and business plan for the next year is imperative if you want to have a successful business. Make sure that it is flexible for the unexpected as well as has a few extra tips that you can apply when you feel it is needed off and on throughout the year. Do you have any goals for the new year that keep making it on your business plan from year to year?
5 Marketing Plan Tips for 2014
Hopefully you have a business plan outline started for 2014. Almost every successful business owner will tell you that having a plan and some strategy set in place before the new year will help get off to a strong start. Without experience though, you may not really know what this plan should entail. Do you create a business plan every year based off of your triumphs and failures or do you take a different approach?
Your Business Needs to Be Organized and Here’s How to Do It!
You should always take as much time as needed to figure in every little thing before making a decision or your business structure. So go ahead and call on all of those little offers you have had over the years for any type of legal advice from your professional friends and business partners. It never hurts to cover everything you possible can before your have to deal with it for real. What would you suggest to someone trying to organize their new business?
Organize Your Business With These 10 Mobile Apps
We have been talking about business plans and taking the time to structure your company correctly in order to have a more successful 2014. We have given tons of tips and ideas of what you can do to accomplish these tasks as well. After reading our blog on which mobile app you should be using for business organization do you have any other ones that should be added to the list?