Crowd funding has now become all the rage. The problem with that is that the competition is now fiercer than ever. Want to get your first novel idea funded? Check out these plans of action to get ahead of the game when it comes to crowd funding.
Crowd Funding
Crowd Funding Secrets Revealed
Crowd funding is now all the rage. With a great idea, a carefully crafted crowd funding page and the right people behind you, your idea could become the next Facebook, Twitter or Oculus Rift. Or maybe you want to write a book, start an accounting business or develop a wine glass that actually lifts the wine to your lips instead of you having to lift it yourself. Sound crazy? It won’t sound crazy once you dive headfirst into the world of crowd funding…
How to Enjoy Crowd Funding
The phenomenon known as crowd funding is still going strong. Many people have seen their ideas come to life using popular sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Yet for every successfully crowd funded project, there are a dozen or more projects that never get the funding they need and thus the final products never get to see the light of day. To increase your odds of succeeding at crowd funding, you must make the process fun and enjoyable. Check out our blog for various ways to enjoy crowd funding the next time you have a great idea that you want to make a reality.
Indiegogo’s CEO Shares Tips On How To Succeed When Crowdfunding
Just like many of your out there I actually enjoy researching just about everything to see how it works and to better understand how I can possibly apply what I figured out to make my life easier. It’s what puts us apart as innovators in success. This is one of the reasons I find crowd funding so interesting. Check out this detailed interview with Indiegogo’s SEO, Slava Rubin, and get a head start constructing an effective crowd funding campaign.
Understanding Crowd Funding and How to Make it Work
Before the advent of the phenomenon we now know as crowd funding, business owners used to have to beg bank lenders and Angel investors if they hoped to get the funding they needed; provided that they didn’t get the funding they needed from friends and family. These days and thanks to a better worldwide understanding of crowd funding, business owners everywhere have a better and oftentimes more lucrative means of getting the funding they desperately need.