Raising money for anything can be difficult especially when you don’t have experience. Accepting that fundraising is actually just sales is the very first step to making this process much more simple. All the steps in sales from qualifying your buyers/investors to building a solid relationship will still need to be done. It is always important to create urgency by being competitive and showing your ambition. This will not only help bring in an investor but seal the deal as well. I mean after all, the first step in qualifying is providing an answer this age old question, “Why buy?”. Now you tell me, why should I buy into your business?
How to Get Involved in Technology Start-Ups
With Facebook recently acquiring messaging service WhatsApp for a record $19 Billion, many people are clamoring to become a crucial member of the next tech startup to make waves. If you are a tech wiz, if you have the business sense of a Gates, Jobs of Dell, or if you consider yourself gifted in the ways of both technology and business, you’re in luck. Jump on over to our blog and read about some very realistic avenues you can pursue to get involved in technology start-ups just like you’ve always dreamed of doing.
How to Enjoy Crowd Funding
The phenomenon known as crowd funding is still going strong. Many people have seen their ideas come to life using popular sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Yet for every successfully crowd funded project, there are a dozen or more projects that never get the funding they need and thus the final products never get to see the light of day. To increase your odds of succeeding at crowd funding, you must make the process fun and enjoyable. Check out our blog for various ways to enjoy crowd funding the next time you have a great idea that you want to make a reality.
Indiegogo’s CEO Shares Tips On How To Succeed When Crowdfunding
Just like many of your out there I actually enjoy researching just about everything to see how it works and to better understand how I can possibly apply what I figured out to make my life easier. It’s what puts us apart as innovators in success. This is one of the reasons I find crowd funding so interesting. Check out this detailed interview with Indiegogo’s SEO, Slava Rubin, and get a head start constructing an effective crowd funding campaign.
Building a Solid Startup Foundation
Startups are all the rage and for good reason. It seems like every day we hear about a new startup getting a multi-million dollar investment deal or we see the team behind the scenes enjoying their flashy cars, boats and vacation homes. While the life of a new startup venture isn’t all flash and cash – there is a lot of work to be done – it’s clear that there are a lot of perks at the end of the tunnel…