One of the most important lessons when becoming an entrepreneur is to learn from every single success and mistake. Not only will you learn what not to do again but you will learn better way to keep mistakes from happening in the future. Are you big enough to share what you have learned from your mistakes to try and keep others from repeating it?
Understanding Crowd Funding and How to Make it Work
Before the advent of the phenomenon we now know as crowd funding, business owners used to have to beg bank lenders and Angel investors if they hoped to get the funding they needed; provided that they didn’t get the funding they needed from friends and family. These days and thanks to a better worldwide understanding of crowd funding, business owners everywhere have a better and oftentimes more lucrative means of getting the funding they desperately need.
Startup Trends from 2013 We Will Continue to See in 2014
It is no surprise to see that Entrepreneurs and small business owners will continue to grow each and every year. With technology constantly advancing it is just so easy to figure our solutions and then market them online. This creates a whole new path for anyone thinking about getting into the Internet game. Do you already have ideas in place on how you will be taking advantage of these continuing trends over this next year?
How to Start Raising Capital for 2014
If you have a really good idea for a new business to start in 2014, but you don’t quite have the capital to realize that dream at this time, it’s time to raise the fundraising flag. You need to let people with deep pockets know that your business idea is sound and ripe for investment. Who you turn to, how you ask for the money and how much you actually ask for could mean the difference between operating in lavish luxury and working in your mother’s basement surviving on Hot Pockets and Mountain Dew.
Hot 2014 StartUps
Every year investors and tech insiders look to Silicon Valley, Cupertino and other areas of innovation in order to identify the hottest startups that are sure to make waves in the coming year. If you have money to invest, if you want to model your own company after a new hot startup or even if you’re just curious and you want to watch the latest shining stars rise through the ranks from obscurity to center stage, click through to read about the newest 2014 startups to watch this year.