Every day, we make decisions. In fact, we make a lot of small decisions on a daily basis.
Should I have oatmeal or Cheerios for breakfast?
Should I wear a red tie or a green tie?
Should I order Chinese for lunch or Indian food?
But among all these small and rather inconsequential decisions, we also find ourselves making bigger decisions. Decisions that matter.
When it comes to making business decisions, specifically, creating a detailed decision log can help your team streamline the entire process a lot more efficiently.
Basically, you're recording every business decision your company makes. This information is available to everyone on the team, and shared between them. When you write down and share the decisions you made, you might find yourself putting a lot more thought into them.
Plus, it opens a clear line of communication between people. Everyone's on the same page about what decisions have been made, and why.
A recent article from Forbes explains how decision logging can transform your business processes.
Decision Making Is A Keystone Habit
There’s a lot of effective advice for leaders to help turn this situation around. But one executive tip has greater impact than all the others:
Start a Shared Decision Log.
Record every business decision you make, and openly share that record with every person affected by the decision.
Introducing the simple habit of logging and sharing decisions is transformational.
I know, because I’ve seen it happen.
Companies become more decisive. The right people are involved.
Decision making becomes more data-driven. Decisions are communicated consistently.
Execution and follow-through improves, and teams react faster when decisions don’t go as expected.
Transparency helps trust grow. Work is more meaningful and less stressful.
Decision-making habits are keystone habits; they unlock change far beyond just you and your team.
Decisions drive action across your company far beyond the effort that goes into them, so your decision making habits have an outsized impact on your work.
The best time to start a habit is right now, and it’s easy to get started.
You can read more about how to implement a decision log over at Forbes.
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