Instagram’s quickly become one of the top social media platforms, and it’s kind of a unique medium unto itself. It’s unapologetically visually oriented. The kind of place where a picture really is worth thousands of words. To use it for marketing, you need to get creative. Instagram is a very recreational kind of platform. It’s […]
Demystifying Facebook Business Manager: How to Make the Most of These Helpful Marketing Tools
A lot of marketers — even people who are otherwise experts on Facebook advertising — find Facebook Business Manager kind of confusing. Intimidating, even. If you’re not familiar with it, it comes across as a sea of information overload. You know those studies about how too much choice can actually turn consumers off? It’s that […]
Drive More Conversions From This Often-Overlooked Place
There are a lot of places where businesses can make a sale. Maybe some people come directly to your online store for a particular product. Other sales happen because someone saw your Facebook ad, or you came up in a Google search, or someone heard a good word from a trusted friend. But this is […]
This is Why Brands Fail at Viral Marketing
At this point, the word “viral” probably makes you groan a little. It’s not exactly new, and the more the term gets used in the media, the more it’s started to reek of “older gen X and baby boomers not understanding how 20-somethings use the internet.” But honestly, “viral marketing” is still very much a […]
2 Good Reasons to Respond to Negative Reviews
Negative reviews can really hurt. When you’ve put your heart and soul into your business, reading scathing complaints doesn’t feel very good. Most people’s first instinct is to ignore it. People only really post online reviews if they’re either really, really impressed with something, or they had a really terrible experience. So while good reviews […]