It’s hard to come up with fresh new content ideas, especially in certain niches and industries. Once you’ve exhausted your best ideas, most relevant keywords, and frequently asked customer questions… You may start feeling a little pressed for ideas. If you’re not using video content yet, why not start? Video is just as important as […]
These 5 Trends Are Shaping the Future of Ecommerce
Online retail is always changing and evolving, and the future of buying things online may end up looking pretty different from what we’re used to today. With ubiquitous mobile browsing, new innovations like Alexa and Google Home, new developments in the way we use the internet are making their mark on ecommerce. If your online […]
Make More From Each Customer With This Smart Sales Strategy
For very young businesses, finding new customers is paramount. And once the business is more mature, its owner or marketing department is still on the hunt for more new leads. But after a point, it’s actually more cost effective to focus on the customers you already have. If you can keep them coming back for […]
Spend Less on Instagram Ads By Understanding These 5 Key Ad-Ingredients
Like it’s parent company, Facebook, Instagram is a powerful platform for laser-targeted advertising. While it’s definitely a “pay to play” system — that is, you won’t get much traction with organic posting alone… It can still be quite affordable for small businesses and solopreneurs. In some kinds of niches, like travel and apparel, you’re leaving […]
3 Social Media Mistakes That Turn Audiences Off
Are you getting engagement from your fans and followers on social media? A lot of businesses have a hard time getting a response from people on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. Getting followers is hard enough in itself, but even if you have them, you may have posts and tweets sitting there with […]